Friday, May 15, 2015

Assignment 2 in Phases

Part of the Assignment is to focus on the Process you went through to come to your final product. I have been recording what the process looks like throughout the development.
Phase 1: I drew a series of curves (through offset and resizing) and lofted them together in Grasshopper.

Phase 2: I divided into subsurfaces, and then using a number slider, selected the numbers at random for the U and V coordinates.

Phase 3: I deconstructed the brep or surface (DeBrep) into parts.

Phase 4: I specified the locations of the points on the surface using a number slider. Using points on the surface, I created planes and then normalized them so that they are all perpendicular to the z-axis which is determined by those points.

Phase 5: I also created a point to help define the height of those placed based on the point's location. I then extruded each of the curves along the surface with respect to the direction from the point.

Phase 6: I created a curve and broke it into points. The points on the curve interact with the points on the surface and will determine the angle of the rotation of each plane.

Phase 7: Through a combination of all of the above information (including location and direction of plane, height of extrusion, and angle) I created the planes the can rotate through manipulation of any of these elements. Theoretically, the movement of the sun would be the manipulation.

Phase 8: I extruded each of the planes to turn them into physical panels.

Phase 9: I offset the original plane and extruded it to create a glass window in the same shape beneath the louvers. The louvers create a penetrable screen over an impenetrable window. 

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