Friday, May 15, 2015

Research for Assignment 3

Upon researching what helps a round theater produce the most impressive acoustics, and what encourages strong sightlines:

  • You want to minimize reverberation in musical performances. 
    • Organizing the audience around the performer in a way that they are all within acoustic lines will allow for the best sound to all patrons.
  • You want to maximize reverberation in theatrical performances to help the actors with their vocal pronunciation and projection.

My ideas to utilize this information is to create a system of louvers similar to the way I did in my previous assignment. These louvers will be made of a reverberate metal material, and when closed they will provide optimal acoustics for theatrical performances. On the contrary, when they are opened, sound will pass to the back walls of the theater and be absorbed by the absorbent materials, likely a carpeted or fabric material.

As for materials throughout the rest of the building, I want to minimize the amount of reverberation that will happen anywhere else. The floors and walls will absorb the sound, and will be covered with a fabric or carpet material.

The stage floor will be an absorbent wooden material. 

The ceiling will be made of acoustic ceiling tiles.

In addition, the front entrance prior to entering the stage area will be covered in absorbent materials, in case the sound escapes through the doors. The tiles will be of an absorbent material, and the furniture will all be wooden and fabric. The only additional material will be a decorative large front window made of glass, though this will not provide a great deal of reverberation upon research.

Research has also shown that you want total control of lighting, and my idea is to only allow indoor lighting in the stage area. This will be controlled by a crew who can move around above the stage or below the stage. The only other external light will enter through the entrance, prior to the stage area.

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