Friday, May 15, 2015

Grasshopper Process

Grasshopper is very oriented to coding, something I am highly unfamiliar with.
For the second assignment, I've been watching lots of tutorials.

Something I have had a huge interest in are Louvers, and this video was a very helpful guide on how to develop louvers in Grasshopper.

My idea for my design is to develop a technologically advanced screen that interacts with the sun's rotation. Another project I'm currently working on manipulates the sun through use of PV panels. I have been considering incorporating these into louvers in my screen for the second assignment.

My idea is to ultimately create a screen of louvers that are covered in PV panels, and they can rotate along with the Earth's rotation around the sun. As the sun moves throughout the day, these panels will rotate to follow its motion and absorb as much energy as possible.

The shape of the screen will likely be somewhat rounded/spherical to maximize the location of the louvers. By placing these louvers in a spherical shape, it optimizes how likely they are to be in a location of maximum solar absorption.

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